Importance Of Product Description
Product description forms a great part of the e-commerce business. But sometimes it is not utilized completely. A product description is used to show the value of the product to the potential buyer. It should be strong and increase the revenue of your company. A product description should consider fixing the buyer's problems and increase the urge in the buyer to buy the product.
The product description is one of the most important factors when it comes to conversions from potential clients. It may have a lot of benefits, but a good product description is somehow difficult to write. It may feel crazy when you have a long list of products to go through. In the following paragraphs, we would be discussing how to write a good product description.
1- Know your target audience
The first step one should take is to know his or her target audience. Know the key features which would attract the most to your potential buyers. Understand the buyer persona and it would help you to understand the features which would be most valuable to your potential customers. For example, if you are selling sports shoes to a teenager, you would use different keywords as compared to a middle-aged man. Use phrases and word combinations in which your buyers would be most interested.
2- Story Telling Is Important
Don't elaborate your story, use a short story within your description that would attract your potential buyers. The story should be persuasive which should push your buyers to the "add to cart button". The story should contain important information and it should not be flowery. Use educational content, as it attracts the buyer and increases your chances of selling.
3- Easy To Read
Use neutral language while writing your product description. Use words and phrases which are commonly used among the people, so that it becomes easy to comprehend for the people who are visiting your website. Don't put too much information in a single product description otherwise, it would be difficult for your buyers to understand it.
4- Use Power Words That Sell
Use words and phrases which bring emotions out of the people. Target the emotions. By being a little smart you can make a potential buyer purchase your product. Some of the examples of the power words are as follows, Eye-opening, Amazing, Miracle, Sensational, Spectacular, etc.
5- Image Quality
Image quality should be high and it should lure your customer to make a purchase. Mastering product description is one thing and using high-quality images is another. Use a high-quality photo and show all the important aspects of your product and ultimately the buyer would have the product in their life. High-quality images increase touch and the buyers respond to it.
These tips are based on research and would help you in increasing conversions. The main point here is that your product description should not push too much your buyer to buy the product and should allow them to take their time. The real value lies in the product and it should be good, if it so, then your sales would automatically increase.